About Us

Tile Studio started in the 1980’s from a garage behind the house. The interest came from creating and making tiles that were not readily available in South Africa because they were not mass-produced and economically imported yet. These types of tiles were appreciated in more developed countries around the world.

On regular trips to the tile fares in Italy and Spain, looking at new trends, we always noted the specialist niche type factory; displaying handmade, hand-painted tiles and pieces which showed that there is a small place in the market for specialist tiles.

The South African market has, over the years, matured to appreciate better tile finishes due to the ever-increasing use of internet browsing and the increased value of real estate affording better finishes. The customer or designer is now in a better position to ask if it can be done and appreciate the bespoke nature of such a small producer, and we get kicks out of it too!


Handmade Tiles Cape Town





